Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Lettuce Wrapped Fish Tacos

We have apparently entered the 'healthy food kick' phase here at Casa de Miller.
My husband has been working out and eating very carefully and deliberately (and boringly, I might add).
Don't get me wrong... it's great.
It's just stifling my creative process in the kitchen.
Daaaammmmnnn, that sounded snobby, right?!
Well, you get my point.
I can't just cook up any ol' thing that comes to mind if there is a certain someone trying to get all healthy and fit all up in my grill.
I have to meticulously make sure that each meal has a carb, a protein and a veggie.
Which really is generally how I cook our meals.
The thing is...
I don't like being told what to do.
Especially not in my kitchen!
I don't like having any limits in the kitchen.
I like to be free as a bird, to open my wings and flyyyyyy.
All the way down to Chinatown if I want.
And there are a lot of noodles in Chinatown.
Noodles are carb-a-licious.
Not the best idea for someone trying to eat balanced and proper.

I want to be able to make a good old fashioned comfort meal if that's where my knife takes me.
And I want to do it without having to make a separate meal for Mr. Man.
Because let's face it, there aren't a whole lot of veggies going on in my Mac n' Cheese!
Carbs are there, but the veggies,
eeehhhh notsomuch.

even though I just took up about a half hour of your time venting about my hubby getting healthy (I know, I'm mean, right) I am ALWAYS up for a cooking challenge.

So in trying to avoid the boring and dreaded chicken, broccoli and brown rice menu that typically frequents every diet, I opted for something a little more flavorful.
Fish mother f-in tacos.
That's right.
I said it.

And they were mother f-in good.
I don't know why I keep saying mother f-in.
It's been a long and apparently angry kind of day.

These took me no time to put together. They were fast and (here's my favorite word) easy (!) and amazeballs.
Hubby loved them and they touched all of his requirements.
Carb - brown rice.
Protein - Seabass.
Veggie - tomatoes and lettuce.
Hells to the mother f-in yeah!


Here's the lo down.

Lettuce Wrapped Fish Tacos

1 pound wild caught seabass fillets, or any other fish you like.
1 head romaine lettuce, cleaned, patted dry and separated
1 tomato, diced
1/4 red onion, diced fine
1/2 cup fat free sour cream
1 cup brown rice, cooked
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon coriander
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
Hot Sauce

Put seabass fillets in a pan and sprinkle with cumin, garlic powdeer and coriander.
Drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper and place under a broiler in the oven for about 7-10 minutes, until cooked through.

Meanwhile, separate the greens of the romaine lettuce from the crunchier bottom white part.
Pile all the green tops together. This is going to act as the tortilla. It's easier to roll like a taco without the white, crunchier part, but if you like you can leave them on.
Then, mix the brown rice with about 2 tablespoons prepared salsa of your choice.

When the fish is ready, flake a few pieces onto a piece of romaine.
Follow that with a few spoonfuls of the brown rice and salsa mixture.
Top with some freshly diced tomatoes, diced red onion, sour cream, avocado, cilantro and hot sauce.

Yum and enjoy.

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